Article: Men Serving Under General Braddock

The Forces of General Braddock

Transcribed December 1996 and contributed by Marilyn Brown of TBD in April 1997 from Boyd Crumrine's "History of Washington County, Pennsylvania with Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Pioneers and Prominent Men" (Philadelphia: L. H. Everts and Co., 1882), p.

"First Brigade commanded by Sir Peter Halkert, composed of the Forty-fourth Regiment of Regulars: The following independent Companies of New York:

Captain* Horation Gates'
Captain John Rutherfords'
Captain William Polson's Company of Pioneers and Carpenters
Captain William Peyroule's Virginia Rangers
Captain Thomas Waggoner's Virginia Rangers
Captain Eli Dagworthy's Maryland Rangers

Second Brigade Commanded by Col. Thomas Dunbar, composed of the Forty-eighth Regiment of Regulars
Captain Paul Demarie's (sic) South Carolina Detachment
Captain Dobb's North Carolina Rangers
Captain Mercer's Company of Carpenters and Pioneers
Captain** Adam Stephen's Virginia Rangers
Captain Peter Hogg's Virginia Rangers
Captain Thomas Cocke's Virginia Rangers
*afterwards Major General **afterwards General

Captain Andrew Lewis had been sent with his company of Virginians to the Greenbrier River for the protection of settlers there, but afterwards rejoined Braddock's column on its way to Fort Du Quense.

The field officers under Braddock (differs from above) were Lt. Cols Burton and Gage ; Majors Chapman and Sparks; Brigade-Major Francis Halket; Major Sir John Sinclair, deputy quartermaster-general; Matthew Leslie, assistant quartermaster general. The secretary to the commanding general was William Shirley, and his aides-de-camp were Captain Robert Ormer, George Washington, and Roger Morris. Christopher Gist and Nathaniel Gist, his son accompanied the expedition as principal guides. George Croghan and Andrew Montour were with the general as Indian interpreters."