This Blank is to be used by the Comrade and Post Historian
In preparing the Sketch to be transcribed to the Record Book.
Full Name: George Robson U.S.A.
When & Where Born: January 26, 1839, Louzern Co., Pennsylvania
When did you first enter the service? On the 12th day of September, 1862.
Where did you first enter the service? At Monongahela City, Washington
County, Pa
What was your rank upon entering the service? Second Duty Sergt.
What was your Company, Regiment, Battery, or Ship? 'E', 22nd Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteer Cav. (Ringgolds)
What offices or ranks did you hold while in the service? First Sergt.
What was your rank at close of the war. 1st General Duty Officer
Did you re-enlist or were you again commissioned? No
To what organization were you at any time transferred and when? None
When were you finally discharged, and where? On nineteenth day of July,
1865 at New Creek, W. Va.
By reason of what were you finally discharged? General Order No. 83,
C.S.A.G.O. War Dept.
What was the first battle in which you were engaged? Stumps Mills, W. Va.,
near Moorefield November 9th, 1862
State second, third &etc., including all engagements in which you
participated: Moorefield Nov. 30th, 1862; Winchester, December 25, 1862.
Principle Battles: Petersburg, W. Va., January 3rd, 1864; Piedmont, Va.,
June 5th 1864; Lexington, Va., June 12, 1864; Lynchburg, Va., June 18th &
19th, 1864; Opequan Creek, August 20th, 1864; Fishers Hill, September 22nd,
1864; Mount Jackson & Cedar Creek, W. Va., October 19th, 1864; I can not
give you one half the engagements ...... I forgot Gettysburg 2, 3 &4 of
....of your most intimate comrades in the service? Were John & Samuel
Atcheson, ..., John M. Sutman, James Boy(d), Clinton Teeple & ...[missing
sections due to age]
...most important events in your service? The Hunters Raid to the Rear of
Richmond and Lynchburg, W. Va.
Is there any other matter or event in connection with your military or
naval services? If so, state it fully but concisely?
During my 3 years service I participated in 48 battles & scirmishes, but
the principle ones were Winchester, Fisher Hill, Cedar Creek, Piedmont,
Monocacy Junction, Md. July 10th, 1864.
My Dear Comrade I hope you will excuse my poor writing and try and make
this out. With my Kindest Regards, I Remain Your Obedient Servant,
George Robson No. 2835 Larkins Alley, Pittsburg SS, Penna.