John McMillan, II
Sixth Child of Rev. John McMillan
[The following was taken from "Rev. John McMillan, D.D.: Pioneer, Preacher, Educator" by Daniel M. Bennett, 1935, pp. 419-421. Copyright not renewed. Transcribed by Jean Suplick Matuson, 1996. Text appears as it did in the original.]
Was born on the Dr. McMillan farm October 9, 1787. He remained on the farm until 1811, when he was married to Rebecca Anderson. They went to housekeeping on that part of the farm that is now owned by Robert Fulton.
One son was born to them, John McMillan, III. Rebecca Anderson died February 17, 1812, age 22 years.
He afterwards married Sarah Weaver, who was a sister of John Weaver, who married Mary McMillan.
This marriage occurred February 1, 1814.
There were five chilren to this union: Rebecca, Thomas, Sarah, Catherine,and Jane. Sarah Weaver McMillan, the mother, died August 29, 1824, age 44.
John II, then married Mary Johnstown, November, 1825.
To this union six children were born: William, I, died in infancy; Robert, Samuel, William, II, Isaac and Mary.
About eight years after his marriage to Mary Johnston, he moved from where he was living into the home of his father.
This was brought about by the death of his brother, Samuel, who had been living with his father. Samuel's widow and he exchanged houses.
This was done so that John, II, could take care of his father, the Rev. John, who was getting well along in life.
John, II, remained on the home farm until his death, which occurred suddenly in the night of October 12, 1854, of heart affection.
Mary Johnston died November 5, 1866, age 72.
In the Autumn of 1812 a portion of the military of Western Pennsylvania were called out by the War Department to go to the defense of the border lying between Cleveland and Sandusky, against the British from Canada, also to repress and chastise the ferocity of the savage in this region of Ohio.
The family of Dr. McMillan was not exempt from the draft.
John, II, was rescribed by Crumine in his history of Washington County as being 25 years old, height 5 feet, 11 inches, stout, dark complexion, a farmer.
The company he was assigned to assembled at Sheriff Williamson's, at Cross Creek, and marched by the way of Mansfield (now Carnegie) to Pittsburgh, where they joined General Cook's troops at Pittsburgh.
On the 19th of October, 1812, with Major D. Nelson in charge, they marched to Beaver, Lisbon, Canton, Massillon, Wooster, and Mansfield.
At the latter place the band camped from the 10th of November until the 12th of December, and strange as it may seem to those living today, in that peaceful village, there were rumors that several persons had been tomahawked and scalped in the neighborhood.
The detachment then marched to the plains of Sandusky, which they reached the latter part of December, and lay there in camp until the 24th of January; they were then marched to Fort Miami.
On their way they had to wade through mud and water in many places to their knees.
They were only able to make about eight miles per day.
They camped at Tidioute, staying there from the 25th to the 29th, waiting for the water to freeze up so they could cross the swamp ground.
We were now in the midst of the enemy, and for protection we cast up breast works about us and built a block house to which was given the name of Fort Meigs.
On Friday, February 26, a party of us set out on a secret expedition to Lower Sandusky, reaching there on the 28th. We rested there until the first day of March.
On the second day Captain Logan assembled the whole party, which numbered about 200, and informed us the object of the expedition was to burn the British ship, Queen Charlotte, which had been lying at Madden, but as the ice on the lake had broken up, allowing the ship to be moved, the expedition had failed of its object.
After much exposure and fatigue the company returned to the Rapids.
On the 31st of March we were assembled for the purpose of securing volunteers to remain to take care of the fort.
Two hundred men volunteered.
The reason for asking for the volunteers was that the time for which they bad been called out was about to expire, and the replacement troops had not as yet arrived.
On the 18th of April ten of us left for home, three of whom weak from exposure and sickness were not able to carry arms. It was 20 miles to Portage Block House.
Five of the company gave out two miles from the fort, we lay there during the night without fire, the next day we reached the fort wading through mud and water to our knees.
He was discharged April 1, 1813, he reached home May 1, 1813.
His pay was $13.33 as a private.
At the death of Rev. John McMillan, D.D., in 1833, he inherited the old McMillan homestead in North Stra- bane Township, Washington Co., Pa.
Here he spent his life, and his death, he with his three wives, was buried in Chartiers Cemetery.