The following transcription was submitted by Rebecca Davis Pauley of Washington, Pennsylvania for inclusion at the Genealogy in Washington Co., PA web site in May 2000.
1873 JACOB DAVIS No book or page given.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Jacob Davis, of the County ofWashington and State of Pennsylvania being of sound memory understanding anddiscretion do make this my last will and devise as follows: After the paymentof all funeral expences if there remain my personal property I give the sameto WESLEY OWENS now intermarried with my sister MARGARET J. this on accountof services rendered during my last Sickness.My interest in the real Estate of my deceased father, WILLIAMDAVIS or the interest that may accrue to me therein I give devise and disposeof as follows:One fourth of said interest I give and bequeath to my sister MARGARETJ. now intermarried with Wesley Owens, to hold in fee simple when the sameshall accrue to her; the remainder of said interest in said Estate to beequally divided between MARTHA J. now intermarried with MARSHALL MCBRIDE,NANCY now intermarried with JOSEPH CUSTER, JAMES DAVIS and GEORGE W. DAVIS.After the payment of all claims against my interest in the ELIJAHROBINSON farm situated in Collin, West Virginia should there be any profitsremaining after my whole interest has been disposed of I give and devise saidprofits to my brothers and sisters before named to be divided equally shareand share alike.I hereby make constitute and appoint THOMAS RAMSEY of Hanover Township,Washington Co., State of Pennsylvania and JAMES DAVIS my executors to executethe provisions of the foregoing will and to perform all the duties relativethereto in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal as my lastwill and testament this seventh day of July Anno Domini One Thousand Eighthundred and seventy three. Signed sealed and executed by said Jacob Davisabove named testator, who in witness hereof have hereunto set our hands andseals as witnesses in presence ofsaid testator and of each other:Jesse C. Bruce (Seal)Sarah Anderson (Seal)Ephraim Owings (?) (Seal)
Probated 7 Aug 1873, A. O. Day, RegisterLetters of Amin issued to T. Ramsey and J. Davis on same date.
1877 D. C. DAVIS Bk. 10, pg 686
I, D. C. Davis of Washington, Washington Co., Penna. being of soundand disposing mind, do make and declare this to be my last will andtestament. lst I direct all my just debts to be paid. 2nd I give and bequeathto my wife, ELIZA, all my estate of every kind, real, personal and mixed, tobe used by her for her own maintenance and the maintenance and education ofour children. 3rd I direct and empower my executor to sell any of my realestate when in his judgement it should be best to do so. And to invest theproceeds then of safely, to be used for the purposes stated in the foregoingclause. 4th I direct that no inventory of my personal property be made orfiled in the Register's office. 5th I hereby appoint my father-in-law, JacobB. Rush, my Executor.In testimony where of I have signed and sealed the above, and declare thesame as my last will, in presence of the following witnesses, who have signedthe same in my presence and in the presence of each other, and at my request,this 21st day of April, 1877.D. C. Davis (Seal)Witnesses: Charity RushThomas McKennan
Probated 20th of Dec, 1878 before A.D. Day, RegisterLetters of Admin issued to Jacob B. Rush on Dec. 20, 1878
1880 LUCINDA ANN DAVIS Bk. 11, pg. 30
I, Lucinda Ann Davis, of the Borough of Washington, Pennsylvania, domake and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all otherwills by me heretofore made. First, I give and bequeath to my son ZACHARIAHMCGRUDER all my personal estate, except one dollar. Second, I give and deviseto my two grandchildren, WILLIAM MCGRUDER and LOUISA FRANCIS MCGRUDER, shareand share alike, the house and lot, in fee simple, which I lately purchasedfrom S. L. WILSON and wife, situate on Walnut Street, in the Borough ofWashington, Penna. adjoining property of WILLIAM STEWART and others. Shouldeither of my said aforenamed grandchildren die before arriving at the age oftwenty one years, then in that case, the one who survives shall take thewhole of said real estate.Third, I appoint J. P. MILLER of the Borough of Washington, Penna. Executorof this my will. Fourth, I give and bequeath to my son JOSEPHUS MCGRUDER, thesum of one dollar. In witness whereof I have herein to set my hand and sealand published and declared this instrument as my last will at Washington,Penna. this fifth day of January A.D. 1880.Lucinda X Davis (Seal)The said Lucinda Ann Davis, at Washington, Penna., on the fifth day ofJanuary 1880, signed and sealed this instrument as and for her last will. Andwe at her request, and in her presence, and in the presence of each otherhave here written ournames as subscribing witnesses.J. P. MillerH. H. Miller
Probated 25 Oct 1881, W. H. Underwood, RegisterJulius P. Miller, Esq. qualified as Executor on Sept 5, 1882.
1888 WILLIAM DAVIS Bk. 15, Page 80June 6, 1895, affidavit of W. H. Davis filed whereby it appears
that William Davis, late of South Strabane Tp. died on the 21st day of March1895, between the hours of five and six o'clock P.M.The last will and testament of William Davis of South StrabaneTownship, Washington County, Pa.First: I bequeath to my sister in law ELIZABETH KERR six shares of mystock in the First National Bank of Washington, Pa.Second: I bequeath to my wife, of my personal property and personalestate what the law would give her if I died without a will, that is, the onethird of the same. If she chooses she can take as part of the same, theremaining seventy six shares of my First National Bank stock, at theappraisement, and the house and lot I own on the South West corner ofWheeling and Franklin Streets, in the borough of Washington, Pa. at thevaluation I ask that the appraisers of my personal estate shall put thereon.Third: The appraisers last mentioned shall appraise the home farm onwhich I live, in said township, containing about 200 acres, and within sixtydays thereafter my son WILLIAM H. DAVIS shall have the right to elect to takethe same at such valuation and he shall also, within this same time, have theright to elect to take at the valuations the horses, cattle, sheep and otherstock on said farm, as well the agricultural implements thereon, but myexecutor hereinafter named shall see that there is withheld from his share ofthe balance of my other personal property as will make my three sons GEORGE,JOHN and WILLIAM equal in the distribution of my estate.Fourth: I direct my executor to sell and convey the about 200 acresof land I own between my home farm and the borough of Washington, adjoiningheirs of A. WEILLS, MARTINS, D. T. MORGAN HEIRS, JOHN MCCOY, CAPT. SMITH andothers, and dispose of the proceeds as follows the last payment to becharged, that is to say one third of the purchase money on the land, theinterest on the same to be paid to my wife as long as she lives and at herdeath, the principal to be paid to my said three sons, share and share alike,the other two thirds of the purchase money to be divided amongst my saidthree sons in such a way as will make them equal in a distribution of all myestate.Fifth: The balance of my estate, real and personal, I direct myexecutor to collect, sell and convey, and divide the proceeds amongst mythree sons, share and share alike, subject to the widow's rights therein mysons GEORGE and JOHN to be charged with what they over their signaturesacknowledge they have been advanced by me.Sixth: I constitute and appoint JOHN AIKEN of the borough ofWashington, Pa. to be the exectutor of this my last will and testament anddirect him particularly to see that my said three sons are made to shareequally in a distribution of my whole estate, subject to my wife's rights asabove recited.Seventh: I omitted to say what I intended to say before this, thatis, I direct that my son, WILLIAM H. DAVIS shall pay to his mother, as longas she lives, the interest, annually, __ the one third of the valuation ofthe home farm, above mentioned, and the land is to be bound for the paymentof the same.In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 10thMarch 1888.Wm. Davis (Seal)Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said William Davis as and forhis last will and testament and we at his request, in his presence, and inthe presence of each other have subscribed out names as witnesses thereto:
Thomas McKennanR. G. Mowry
I, William Davis, the above named testator do hereby add this firstcodicil to the foregoing will that is to say.I substitute ELIZABETH M. DAVIS, wife of my son GEORGE, in the placeof her husband as a benificery in my will and give to her all the legaciesand benefits given to my son in such will, so that, however all advancementsmade by me to him and debts owing to me by my son GEORGE now or hereaftershall be deducted from her share and the remainder of such share paid over toher.Witness my hand seal this 20th day of August, 1892.Wm. Davis (No seal shown)Signed, sealed, published and declared by William Davis the above namedtestator as and for the first codicil to his last will and testament, in ourpresence and we at his request, in his presence and in the presence of eachother have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto:Thomas McKennanBoyd E. Zediker
Probated May 10, 1895 by Dr. Thomas McKennan, Witness, before O. M. Hartley,RegisterTo O. M. Hartley, Esq., Register of Wills of Washington Co., Pa.Sir: I hereby renounce my right under the law as the widow of WilliamDavis, deceased, late of South Strabane Township, WashingtonCo., Pa. to administer upon his estate; and I request that lettersof Administration, with the will annexed, be granted to John H.Murdoch of Washington, Pa.Mary DavisWe, the heirs at law, and persons interested in the estate ofthe said William Davis, join in the request that letters be issuedto John H. Murdoch.John K. DavisW. H. Davis
Letters of Admin issued to John H. Murdoch (the executor named having died)on June 7, 1895. O. M. Hartley, Register.
1889 B. H. DAVIS Bk. 14, pg. 255 (2nd will of B. H. Davis)
In the name of God, Amen. I, B. H. Davis, of California, Countyof Washington and State of Pennsylvania, being of sound mind and memory dohereby make, publish, and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament, inmanner and form following: hereby revoking my will or wills heretofore madeby me.First, I direct all my just debts and funeral expenses to be fully paidand satisfied, as soon as conveniently may be after my decease.I give, devise and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of myestate, both real and personal and mixed, that may remain after the death ofmy wife, SARAH A. DAVIS, as follows:The Homestead property situated on the corner of Third & Wood Streets,California, Pa. I bequeath to my granddaughter LILLIE J. MULLEN, and if sheshould die without heirs, the said property shall go to the children of AGGIETHEIRKEILD.And all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate that my remain afterthe death of my wife aforesaid, I bequeath to NESTER MULLIN (sic) and FRANKDAVIS, LIZZIE DAVIS AND MAGGIE DAVIS, children of ELLETT DAVIS, dec. to sharethe same equally alike.*In witness whereof, I B. H. Davis, the said testator have hereto set my handand seal this 5th day of December 1889.B. H. Davis (Seal)
Signed, sealed, published and declared, by B. H. Davis, as for his last willin the presence of us who at his request, have signed our names as witnessesthereto:Cary PiperL. P. Fry
Probated 22nd day of August 1893, J. B. Kennedy, RegisterOn Aug 21st of 1893 James Herron turned down the duties of Executor becauseof his health. On Aug 22, 1893 Letters of Admin. were issued to G. M.Eberman. Then on Jan 13, 1892, on affidant of G. M. Eberman states that B. H.Davis died on the 3rd day of January, 1893 between the hours of nine and teno'clock P.M.
1889 HAMILTON DAVIS Bk. 12, no page given
I, Hamilton Davis of the Township of Canton in the County ofWashington and State of Pennsylvania, do make and publish this my last Willand Testament hereby revoking and making void all former Wills by me at anytime heretofore made: And I dispose of the same as follows: First, I directthat all my debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon after my decease aspossible out of the first moneys that shall come into the hands of myexecutors from any portion of my estate. Second, I give and bequeath to myson HARRY NEWTON DAVIS the Black Horse in place of the horse he now owns:Third, I give and bequeath to my son JOHN WYLIE DAVIS the Bay Campbell Horse:Fourth, I give and bequeath to my son JOHN my watch & chain, and it is mydesire and will that my son HARRY shall have enough money out of the proceedsfrom hauling pipe to buy him a watch & chain of the same value as the one Igave to my son JOHN. Fifth: I give and bequeath to my beloved wife MARYGRIZZILLA DAVIS my Roan Horse and Buckwagon. Sixth: The remainder and residueof my estate both real and personal I give and bequeath to my beloved wifeuntil my youngest child has arrived at the age of twenty one for the benefitof herself and my children. When my youngest child has arrived at the age oftwenty one years, it is my will that my executors hereinafter named, shallsell all my property both real and personal and the proceeds to be disposedof as follows, viz: one third of the proceeds thereof I give and bequeath tomy beloved wife Mary Grizzilla Davis during her life and at her death thesame to be divided equally among my children and the remainder of theproceeds I give and bequeath to my children to be divided among them shareand share alike. And I do hereby make and ordain my beloved wife MaryGrizzilla Davis and my son Harry Newton Davis Executors of this my last Willand Testament. In witness whereof, I Hamilton Davis, the testator, have tothis my Will written on one sheet of paper, sit my hand and seal, thisTwentieth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundredand eighty nine.
Hamilton Davis (Seal)Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Hamilton Davis, asand for his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who have hereuntosubscribed our names at his request as witnesses thereto in the presence ofthe testator and each other:H. L. SnodgrassGeorge O. Jones
Probated 18 February 1889, J. B. Kennedy, RegisterLetters of Admin were issued to Mary Grizzilla and Harry Newton Davis samedate.
1892 SARAH A. DAVIS Bk. 14, Pg. 256
In the name of God, Amen. I, Sarah A. Davis, of California, County ofWashington, State of Pennsylvania, being of sound mind and memory do herebymake and publish and declare this to be my Last will and Testament in mannerand form following hereby revoking any other wills heretofore made.First, I direct my hereinafter named executor to pay all my funeralexpenses and just debts as soon as convenient.Second, having already given to my son, C.S. ADAMS his full share Igive and bequeath and devise my entire estate wether Personal or Real to mytwo Grandauthers (sic) ELIZABETH A. NORCROSS MATHEWS and MARY L. ARMSTRONGand my niece ELIZABETH F. IRWIN the three share and share alike after all theexpences is fully paid.And lastly, I appoint and constitute as my Executor of this my Lastwill and testament my friend, ISAAC C. AILES in witness whereof I have signedand sealed and published and declared this instrument as my will atCalifornia, Pa. on the 6th day of July 1892.Sarah A. Davis (Seal)
The said Sarah A. Davis at said place on said day signed and sealed thisinstrument and published and declared the same as and for her last will andwe at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other havehereunto written our names as subscribing witnesses.J. S. BeazellSamuel M. Davis
Probated 22nd day of August 1893, J. B. Kennedy, Register.Letters of Admin issued to Isaac C. Ailes Aug. 22, 1893On Aug. 22, 1893 affadavit of Isaac C. Ailes says that Sarah A. Davis, lateof California, Penna. died on 12th day of August, 1893 between the hours ofthree and five o'clock P.M.
1897 SAMUEL DAVIS Bk. 12, no page no. given.
July 23, 1897. Affadavit of A. U. Jorden filed whereby it appearsthat Samuel Davis, late of California, Pa. died on the 14th day of June 1897,between the hours of 1 and 1 o'clock P.M.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Samuel Davis of California, countyof Washington and state of Pennsylvania, being of sound mind and memory dohereby make, publish and declare this to be my Last Will and testament, inmanner and form following: hereby revoking any will heretofore made by me.First: I direct all my just debts and funeral expenses to be fullypaid and satisfied as soon as conveniently may be after my decease.Second: I will and bequeath to my beloved wife, EMILY __. DAVIS allmy Property Both Personal and Real During her Natural Life without having anAppraisment and at her Death what ever Remains to go to My Daughter SARAH E.JORDON and A. N. JORDON, my Son-law to have and to hold absolutely share andshare alike or if Either one Should Die before this comes in their hands thenthe surviving one to have all and lastly I do appoint my Son on law A. N.Jordon to be my Executor to fully settle my estate.In testimony Whereof I the said, Samuel Davis have made this my LastWill and Testament thereof subscribed my Name and Affixed my seal this __ dayof February in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight-hundred andNinety-Seven.Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Samuel Davis as and forhis last will and testament in the presence of us who at his Request and inthe presence of Each other, have subscribed our Names thereto as witnesses:Samuel M. Davis (No seal)W. H. WinfieldIsaac C. Ailes
Probated 23 July 1897, O. M. Hartley, RegisterLetters of Admin issued to A. N. Jordon.
1897 JOHN K. DAVIS Bk. 16, Pg. not given.
May 19, 1897, affidavit of MARGARET DAVIS filed whereby it appearsthat John K. Davis, late of Washington, Pa. died on the 1st day of May 1897,between the hours of one and two o'clock A. M.The last will and testament of John K. Davis of South StrabaneTownship, Washington County, Pennsylvania.As to such worldly estate with which the Lord has blessed me, I makedisposition of the same as follows:First: My upper farm, in Somerset Township, Washington County,Pennsylvania, containing about one hundred and thirty acres that I boughtfrom JOHN BARR, ESQ. adjoining lands of JOHN GAMBLE, JOHN YOUNG, JOHN DORAN,AL LEYDA, GEORGE YOUNG, HUGH BARR and the Washington and Williamsport Pike, Iwill and devise to my son W. E. DAVIS, under and subject to the followingcharges, that is to say, the payment by him to my wife MAGGIE A. DAVIS, thesum of one hundred and twenty five (125) dollars per annum from and after thedate of my decease; and the payment by him to my two daughters, LIZZIE N. andJENNIE S. each the sum of one thousand (1000) dollars at the end of one yearafter my decease. The annuity to my wife, above named, to cease at her death.Second: My lower farm that I bought from SAMUEL GAMBLE, containingabout seventy eight acres, in Somerset Township, in said county, adjoiningAL. LEYDA PEES (sic), ALVEY LEYDA, GEORGE YOUNG, HUGH BARR and my upper farmI will and devise to my three sons, W. S. DAVIS, J. MARQUIS DAVIS AND ALBERTV. DAVIS, share and share alike, under and subject to the following charge,that is to say, the payment of Seventy five (75) dollars per annum to mywife, MAGGIE A. DAVIS for the term of her natural life, from and after thedate of my decease.Third: I will and devise to my wife MAGGIE A. DAVIS the two lots ofground I bought from SAMUEL THOMAS, on the north side of East Beau Street, inSouth Strabane township; also the two annuities above recited, payable by twooldest sons.Fourth: I will my life insurance of $4000. in the Union Central LifeInsurance Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, to my wife, my three youngest sons, W.S., J. MARQUIS and ALBERT V. and my two daughters, LIZZIE N. and JENNIE S.DAVIS, share and share alike.Fifth: The rest, residue and remainder of my estate outside of whatshall have come or may in the future come to me or to my estate or heirs atlaw from my father's estate, I will, devise and bequeath to my wife, my twoyoungest sons, J. MARQUIS and ALBERT V. and my two daughters, LIZZIE N. andJENNIE S. share and share alike. Any real estate included in this paragraphshall be sold by my executor hereinafter named, and conveyed to the purchaseror purchasers, and the proceeds thereof divided according to the provisionsof this paragraph of my will.Sixth: The real and personal estate that may come to me or to myestate, at any time, from my fathers estate, shall be divided equally betweenmy wife and my six children, share and share alike.Seventh: I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint DUNNING HART ofAmwell Twp, Washington Co., Pa. to be the executor of this my last will andtestament.In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 6th dayof June 1891.John K. Davis (Seal)Signed, sealed and declared by John K. Davis, the above named testator, inour presence, as and for his last will and testament and we,at his request,in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our namesas witnesses thereto:N. R. BakerC. J. McNulty
October 27, 1891, I, John K. Davis, the within named testator, do hereby addthis first codicil to my will, that is to say, in case my wife remarries, theannuities payable to her by my sons, recited in the first and secondparagraphs of said will, shall cease at and have no existence, after herremarriage. And I devise and will the proceeds of a sale of the three lots inSouth Strabane township, Washington County, Pa. that I bought from JOHNROSEBOROUGH, to my two oldests sons, W. E. DAVIS and W. S. DAVIS, share andshare alike, I give my executor full power to sell and convey said lots.Witness my hand and sealJohn K. Davis (Seal)Attest:W. M. DinsmoreCyrus Morrow
January 13th, 1892, I, John K. Davis, the within named testator,do hereby add this second codicil to my will, that is to say, I change thefifth paragraph of said will by bringing my two oldest sons, W. E. DAVIS andW. S. Davis, into said paragraph, to enjoy equally with the other partiestherein named the benefits therein conferred - that is to say my residuaryestate other than the Roseborough lots and what has come or may come from myfathers estate shall be divided equally between my wife and my six children,share and share alike.Witness my hand and seal this 13th day of January 1892.John K. Davis (Seal)Attest:A. L. AshbrookGrant E. Hess
Probated 19 May 1897, O. M. Hartley, RegisterMay 19, A.D. 1897, John H. Murdoch deposes and says the handwriting of John K.Davis is verified to the law's satisfaction. Also, that witness to the will,W. M. Dinsmore, is now deceased.Letters of Admin. issued to A. L. Ashbrook and Grant E. Hess on May 19, 1897.Genealogy in Washington County, Pennsylvania
Last updated: 01/20/2006