Copyright © 1996-2000 Jean Suplick Matuson Copyright © 2000-2006 Jean Suplick Matuson or Georgeann Malowney Georgeann Malowney disclaims all warranties with regard to this information. The information described herein is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Unless indicated otherwise in a particular page carrying this copyright notice, permission to use, copy and distribute documents and related graphics delivered from this Genealogy in Washington County, Pennsylvania World Wide Web server ( for non-commercial use by descendents/relatives of people on particular pages is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear. Permission to republish on websites for descendents and relatives of people mentioned on this site is granted for up to five pages without prior written permission. It would be helpful if you republish to add links and information to increase the value of the information, then email me so I can add a link from our page to yours and let me know if you want me to quote some of your page so others find the reference in our search engine. All other rights reserved. Exceptions to the above:
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