PAWASHIN Discussion Group

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Copyright (C) 2000 Jean Suplick Matuson.

PAWASHIN has over 525 subscribers.
The PAWASHIN Discussion Group is a forum where a group of people interested in doing genealogy in Washington Co., Pennsylvania can send email messages and receive replies.

When you send a message to the group, everyone who is subscribed to the group receives a copy of it. This way, we can all exchange information about our experiences and research problems. When you send a message to the group, everyone who is subscribed to the group receives a copy of it. This way, we can all exchange information about our experiences and research problems. The list is gatewayed to so any messages posted on that board will appear on PAWASHIN.

To browse the PAWASHIN archives, click:

To search the archives of the discussion group:

This will take you outside the site to the PAWASHIN archives which is maintained by .

To subscribe or unsubscribe to the discussion group:

  • In September 2006, PAWASHIN changed over from SmartList to MailMan software. You shouldn't see a lot of differences, but there are a few things to be aware of:
    • The name of the List has changed. The new name is You no longer need the "-L." When posting, please use the new address. (The old address will continue to work in the short term.)
    • If you use e-mail headers to filter your mail, your filters may need adjusting to reflect the new name of the List.
    • Be sure to add to your address book so that list messages will not go into your spam or junk mail folders. This is especially important for AOL users. If you use AOL and find list mail
      (from the PAWASHIN List or any other Rootsweb list) in your spam folder, click the button that says "This is not spam" which will let AOL know that you want this mail and help train the AOL mail filters. Other ISPs probably have a similar procedure.
    • If you use e-mail clients such as Outlook or Outlook Express to read your mail, the "from" looks different and rather confusing. If you are an Outlook or OE user, previously the sender looked like: "Your Name
      [your email address ]". Now it will look something like: "PAWASHIN-bounces on behalf of Your Name". Don't worry. Nothing has bounced. This is a "fault" with Outlook and OE that causes it to incorrectly read Mailman software; hopefully Rootsweb will be able to do some tweaking in the days ahead. But, if not, those of us who use Outlook and OE will get used to it.
    • The rotating footers (informative information) that appeared at the bottom of each mail-mode message (not Digest) have been eliminated in the new system. There is now a non-rotating footer that consists of information placed there automatically by Rootsweb concerning unsubscribing. List administrators can only add a limited amount of non-changing text that appears above the unsub information.
    • Messages sent to BCC or 'undisclosed recipients' will not reach the list. The list address must be in the TO or CC line.


  • Digest Mode
    • Current Digest subscribers will notice some changes, and the volume numbers may be out of sync for a while.
    • If you have been subscribing in both mail mode & Digest with the same address, Rootsweb automatically deleted your Digest subscription. Only one subscription per email address. If you have another email address, you can subscribe to the Digest under that address, or just change your subscription to Digest.
    • Digest subscribers will notice the volume and issue numbers have been reset to Vol. 1, Issue 1.
    • Depending upon your ISP, you previously received the Digest as either (a) inline plain text (all posts visible at the same time in one long message) or (b) MIME (each post is a separate attachment that you click to open). With the new system, all Digests are plain inline text. However, administrators can change subscribers to MIME on an individual basis. If you would like to change, please email .
    • The default for new subscribers is set to PLAIN TEXT.
      • AOL, Compuserve and some other subscribers cannot read MIME (the alternative to Plain text) If you are having difficulty reading Digest mode, please unsubscribe then subscribe again to ensure that you receive Plain Text digests.
    • Please change the subject line from "Digest No. X" when replying. If you are replying to a message posted in "list mode" changing it to the subject line the original poster used is usually a good idea.
    • Settings by the 'list administrator' include the size of 'digests' and whether to send a digest 'daily' even if it does not reach the threshold size. PAWASHIN is set to send a 'daily digest' regardless of whether it reaches the maximum size. The 'maximum size' is set to a high number because PAWASHIN sometimes has a lot of activity.


  • If you think you might have missed any posts during the change over, you can browse the list archives at
  • Rootsweb's policy is that Administrative issues should never be discussed on the list by list subscribers. Any concerns should be sent to the ListName-admin address.
  • If the mailing list software frequently 'unsubscribes' your email address it might be because you are 'blocking' posts from other list members. This usually results in those posts being 'bounced' back to the list software which unsubscribes the list member who is choosing to block other list members after a certain number of bounces. A more appropriate choice would be for those subscribers to not 'block' the other list members but to use their email software to put those posts in junk or trash. That would save a lot of people a lot of time as often these bounces end up in the listname-admin email account.

Posting to PAWASHIN

  • Please turn off 'signatures' before posting. Signatures are the phrases, words, links you have set your email to include with all your emails. In addition to taking up unnecessary space, it makes it more difficult when others search the list archives. For example, if your signature line includes a long list of surnames and someone searches the archives for that surname they will find ALL of your posts as well as other posts that include the surname. If you post frequently and the search results show 50 or more results with your posts but no mention of the surname in the body of most of those posts, then most people will not bother to keep digging to find a post where you discussed the surname in the body of the post.
  • Please quote the portion of the previous post that you are responding to by using <snip>. That save people from reading the unrelated parts of the previous message and reduces the size of the message.

There are many variables to consider when resolving list problems:

  • Whether the subscription is for regular 'list' mode or 'digest' mode.
  • ISP of the subscriber.
  • Spam filter settings of the subscriber.
  • If the subscriber blocks some individual subscribers the resulting 'bounces' will probably cause MailMan software to unsubscribe them.
  • Sometimes the list servers at Rootsweb have problems. Generally they are fixed within a day or less. Patience is helpful in dealing with computer issues.
  • The browser the subscriber uses might effect how the messages appear. Our users could be using, IE (Internet Explorer), Netscape, Firefox, Opera or another browser. The version of the browser could also matter.
  • Settings by the 'list administrator' such as whether the associated message board is 'gatewayed' to the list. Most subscribers subscribe to more than one Rootsweb list. Variations can occur because of different settings for different lists. Some settings include the size of 'digests' and whether to send a digest 'daily' even if it does not reach the threshold size.
  • Since there are so many variables, it would be appreciated if list members would refrain from discussing 'list administrative' issues on the list. For example, suggesting on the list that a user who might not like the changed Digest format request having the setting changed to MIME generates confusion and email from digest subscribers who cannot read MIME (AOL, CompuServe, etc.) If you see a post on the list and you have a suggestion on how things should be changed, feel free to email and perhaps cc: the person who mentioned they are having the problem on the list. Sometimes digest subscribers reply to posts and mention problems they are having with the list. Feel free to forward messages like this if you think the list admin might overlook it. (More likely when the subject line was not changed and it just says "Digest No. X."

If you have suggestions/corrections to the information above please email